Shaping change CONSCIOUSLY.
Mindful Leadership | Conflict Transformation |
Lewis Deep Democracy | CoResolve

Lewis Deep Democracy (Advanced workshops)
Lewis Deep Democracy Level 3 (3 days)
with Christiane Leiste
The two-day Level 3 course is an advanced training in which we go deep under the waterline and learn more tools from the fifth step of Lewis Deep Democracy: amplification, polarization and conflict resolution. The program is focused on the experiences within the group. We will continue to develop our facilitation skills and exercise our “neutrality muscle”.
Refreshing and expanding the basics of CoResolve
“Amplification”, polarization, role mapping
Conflict resolution: the increased ability to “hold” a group even in the face of conflict and to lead the processes towards resolution
Neutrality: developing a heightened sensitivity to one's own neutrality, quickly recognizing when one has lost it and knowing how to regain it
Listening techniques: reflective listening

Key data
Duration: 3 days
Target group: People who completed the two- to three-day CoResolve
Training or have completed the Level 1 and Level 2 courses; Management,
Consultants, facilitators and change agents who share their understanding and
Want to deepen your skills in using the tools of Lewis Deep Democracy
Number of participants: 8-12 people
Methods:Theory, practical exercises and discussions
Course fee: 950,00€ for private individuals and non-profit sectors and 1.100€ for companies and entrepreneurs.
Next courses:
24.- 25th. of June 2024 | in Hamburg
Lewis Deep Democracy Level 4 (3 days)
with Christiane Leiste
In the three-day Level 4 course, we expand our own metaskills through a deeper understanding and awareness of ourselves, based on the psychological models underlying Lewis Deep Democracy. We refine and deepen our practice. The prerequisite for Level 4 is completion of Levels 1, 2, and 3 or CoResolve and Level 3.
Become familiar with psychological models, including the work of Freud, Berne, Erskin, Jung, and Mindell.
deeper understanding of one's own psychology and patterns
deeper understanding and development of metaskills
Rank and privilege as part of the group process and facilitation.
Practice and Advanced experience of facilitating group processes and conflict resolution.
Access to further practice and supervision

Key data
Duration: 3 days
Target group: People who have completed Levels 1, 2 and 3 or CoResolve and Level 3;
Managers, consultants, facilitators, as well as change agents and people,
people who want to deepen their understanding of Deep Democracy
Group size: 8-12 people
Methods:Theory, practical exercises and discussions
Course fee: please check SyNA price list for April ;
1.100 € for private individuals and non-profit sectors and 1.300€ for companies and
Next courses:
26.- 28th. of June 2024 | in Hamburg
Lewis Deep Democracy (Intensive workshop)
Lewis Deep Democracy Level 3+4 (5 days)
with Christiane Leiste
In the 5-day Deep Democracy Intensive course we deepen and expand our knowledge of Lewis Deep Democracy. The course includes Deep Democracy Level 3 and 4. The course is a training for advanced students who are either level 1 and 2 or have attended a CoResolve course. We now go deep under the waterline and learn other tools of the fifth step of Lewis Deep Democracy Know: amplification, Polarization and conflict resolution.
We practice moderating and maintaining group processes while maintaining our neutrality in polarized and violent processes to keep the group safe through conflict to lead through to transformation. We also expand our own metaskills a deeper understanding and awareness of ourselves based on the psychological models underlying Lewis Deep Democracy. We refine and deepen the practice. The program is focused on the experiences within the group.
Refreshing and expanding the basics of CoResolve Level 1 and 2
“Amplification”, polarization, role mapping
Conflict resolution: the increased ability to “hold” a group even in the face of conflict and to lead the processes towards resolution
Neutrality: developing a heightened sensitivity to one's own neutrality, quickly recognizing when one has lost it and knowing how to regain it
Listening techniques: reflective listening
Learn about psychological models, including the work of Freud, Bern, Erskin, Jung and Mindell
deeper understanding of your own psychology and patterns
deeper understanding and development of metaskills
Rank and privileges as part of the group process and facilitation
Practice and Advanced experience of moderating group processes and conflict resolution
Access to further practice and supervision
Dauer: 5 Tage
Zielgruppe: Personen, die Level 1, 2 und 3 oder CoResolve und Level 3 absolviert haben;Führungskräfte, Berater*innen, Moderator*innen, sowie Change Agents.
Gruppengröße: 8–12 Personen
Methoden: Theorie, praktische Übungen und Diskussionen
Ort: Birrenkovenhaus in Hamburg, Birrenkovenallee 13
Kursgebühr: 1.800,00€ für Privatpersonen und Personen im Non Profitbereich; 2.100,00€ für Firmen und Unternehmer*innen.
inklusive Pausenverpflegung in frisch gekochter Bioqualität#
Nächste Termine: 23. bis 27. Juni, Hamburg
Early Bird bis 28. Februar, 100€ Ermäßigung